

Codepen, code jams online

Codepen: Live code editing

*Your mobile experience may vary* Codepen is a great place to find and experiment with incredible code creations. The above example uses the Greensock (GSAP)

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Google Material Design, the library for clean design ethos

Clean UI: Material Design

Google’s Material Design is a set of UI guidelines for designers. It has many elements found in modern development, that give sites a better visual

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Iconscout, all the icons you need for web development in Sketch app

Icondrop: SVG resource

Icondrop by iconscout is a plugin for Sketch and other design tools, that lets you drop SVG easily into projects. For typical UI elements such

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Yippy, clustered search engine

Yippy: Clustered searches

Yippy is an essential tool for research, and differs from normal search engines greatly. When you search for a term you get a clustered result

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Ionic Framework, the best way to create cross compatible applications

IONIC: Cross platform Apps

The Ionic framework is for developing cross compatible, responsive applications. It has a massive library that will give you all the functions you need to

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Slack, team chat and file sharing

Slack: Team hub

I met Slack while I was getting into Zapier, while looking through all the things it could automate. Our team was using Skype to do

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